Posted: 06/06/2011
Gemma Hollingsbee
Gemma joined Reynolds in June 2010 after being a member previously.Gemma started off having sessions with Heather which helped to keep her motivated as initially she did not enjoy coming to the gym.
Since starting the classes at Rainham Gemma has been attending Keiser classes regularly and has noticed a huge improvement in her fitness and has also lost a stone in weight! What a fantastic acheivement!
Doing something you enjoy, will keep you motivated and wanting to come to the gym, and as you can see, it does get you results!
As well as Gemma’s weight loss she has also lost 2½ inches from her waist and 1½ inches from her upper arms and thighs!
Other improvements include 2% body fat loss and a huge improvement on her fitness after doing the 3 minute step test.
Well done Gemma-Keep up the good work!
From the Reynolds Team@ Rainham
Gemma’s Statement
“Wow! Going from no exercise whatsoever to coming to the gym 3 times a week, and now being made ‘member of the month’, I am truly gobsmacked”
“For the first time ever, I can honestly say that I enjoy coming to the gym.
I absolutely love the Keiser classes-great people, great music and a great fat burner!
I am proud to say that after 4 months I am a stone lighter and still losing!
“None of this would be possible without me feeling at ease. I would like to thank every member of staff for treating me like a friend and not just a number.
Thank you for making me feel so comfortable and for all your help”
“ If I can make these changes and feel good about it, anyone can!”